Jass Federal
Gold Award at Best of Swiss Web 2021 in Innovation. Multiplayer swiss cardgame implementation playable on the phone, in the browser and on the smart TV.
Frontend development of the game.
Gold Award at Best of Swiss Web 2021 in Innovation. Multiplayer swiss cardgame implementation playable on the phone, in the browser and on the smart TV.
Frontend development of the game.
Interactive storytelling with a huge zoomable game map, many hidden features and animations.
Development of the game.
Client:Red Bull
Two times silver and one bronze award at Best of Swiss Web 2021. A digital market platform connecting institutional investors and issuers directly. The platform provides real-time book building and a sophisticated allocation simulator.
Frontend development of the platform using React and GraphQL.
Client:Valyo AG
Agency:Infocentric / Valtech
Frontend for iGeko WiSek: The specialized application for cantonal offices in the fields of economy and labor, environment, energy, and metrology/calibration services integrates the digital management of businesses, GEVER (electronic records management), and DMS (document management system) into a single solution.
Frontend architecture development and implementation.
Agency:ABF Informatik
Accessory website to the successul SRF TV show 'Wilder'.
Custom built map using D3js and jQuery. Google Firebase backend for user content.
Agency:Clever Industries
A new online presence for the swiss insurance company Swica.
Frontend Development Lead for the relaunch of the website. Vue.js, jQuery and Handlebars frontend for a Sitecore environment.